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2024 Handbook Introduction to the Security Councils
The Security Council’s primary responsibility is maintaining international peace and security. The membership of the Security Council consists of fifteen Members: five Permanent Members (China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) and ten at-large Member States which the General Assembly elects for rotating two-year terms. A majority in the Security Council consists of nine Members voting “yes” (except in eleven-member Historical Security Councils before 1965, where a majority consists of seven Members voting “yes”); however, a “no” vote by any of the Permanent Members has the effect of vetoing or blocking actions.
As the Security Council only meets to discuss topics concerning international peace and security, representatives of the Security Councils at AMUN (both Contemporary and Historical) should note that the agenda provided is only provisional and represents a fraction of the issues the Security Council discusses. Unlike other Committees and Councils at AMUN, the topics presented do not constitute a complete list of topics the Security Councils can discuss. Likewise, the inclusion of the topics presented does not guarantee or mandate that a listed topic will be formally discussed during the simulation. Any issue regarding international peace and security for that time may be brought before the Councils.
Therefore, representatives on the Contemporary Security Council must have a broad knowledge regarding current events in the international community. Periodicals and online sources are some of the best sources available for day-to-day updates. Recommended resources include: The New York Times, United Nations Chronicle, The Times of London, Al Jazeera, the Mail & Guardian, Foreign Policy and The Economist. The UN News and UN Chronicle are excellent resources for timely information, and good ways for representatives to stay abreast of the most recent reports published by the Security Council and other relevant United Nations bodies.
Historical Security Council (HSC) representatives should approach their Council’s issues based on events up to the start date of the simulation and should do their research accordingly. This means using historical materials whenever possible. The world has changed dramatically over the years, but none of these changes will be evident within the chambers of the HSC. While histories of the subject will be fine for a general overview, representatives should peruse periodicals and other primary sources from three to five years before the year in question to most accurately reflect the worldview at that time. Periodicals contemporary to the period, which can be easily referenced in a Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature or the New York Times Index, will provide a much better historical perspective and feel for the times than later historical texts.
AMUN’s Security Council simulation philosophy AMUN’s Security Council simulation philosophy
One of AMUN’s core principles is to mirror the practice and dynamics of the United Nations as much as possible. To that end, AMUN strives to create and conduct simulations that are a realistic representation of diplomacy at the United Nations and the broader international system. We believe this commitment furthers AMUN’s aims to create a fair and fun experience for all representatives and that it enhances the educational mission of the organization.
This commitment to realism is especially important in Security Councils, where representatives respond to a simulated world that changes depending on the Council’s actions. Representatives are therefore asked to act within the realm of the possible.
Simulations Staff are always available to consult with representatives as they work through their diplomatic options. Representatives are encouraged to seek out Simulations Staff to act in the home office capacity when they need to supplement their research on a situation. Simulation Staff wear many hats, including acting as an in-house resource for representatives about their countries and the topics at hand.
All actions (as opposed to statements) proposed by Council Members must be approved by Simulations Staff, who are charged with managing each simulation’s timeline and alternate reality. As a rule, the Simulations Staff will give representatives a wide latitude in decision-making. However, the Simulations Staff may deny a certain action if it falls outside of the bounds of reality or would negatively impact the realism of the simulation for all participants.
For every issue before the Council, each Member is faced with a variety of options for how to react and what policy line to take. A realistic simulation will consider only those options that would have reasonably been on the table for a State at a particular moment in time. In other words, there will always be options States do not consider or dismiss out of hand because they have limited capabilities or due to historical, cultural or political constraints; in a realistic simulation, these options are not appropriate. These unrealistic approaches will not be permitted at AMUN.
This commitment to realism does not mean that simulations have a set trajectory they must follow. In the Historical Security Councils, there will certainly be many deviations from historical timelines, and re-thinking the way diplomacy played out in the past is encouraged. The same is encouraged in the Contemporary Security Council. As situations change, so do the options and attitudes of the Council Members and other countries. There are near-infinite possibilities within the bounds of realism, and our Simulation Staff will help representatives work through their options.
Declarative Statements and Operational Decisions Declarative Statements and Operational Decisions
Security Council Members are able to make declarative statements and operational decisions that will affect the course of the simulation; this ability to change reality makes these simulations different from other simulations at AMUN. Council representatives must actively bring their State’s policies and capabilities into the simulation. Representatives are welcome and encouraged to make declarative statements—including real or implied threats and deals—that do not carry operational implications outside of the United Nations; however, representatives must always consult with the Simulation Staff before making any operational decisions.
Operational decisions include any actions that would have a real-world effect outside of the United Nations, including, for example, the announcement of movements of, or actions by, national military forces. In these cases, the Simulations Staff act as the home office or government of the involved Member States(s).
Parties to the Dispute Parties to the Dispute
Sometimes other States and organizations will be involved in the deliberations of the Council as Parties to the Dispute. Delegations representing these States, if present at AMUN, will be asked to participate in deliberations by the Council. If they are not present, or cannot provide a representative to address the Council, a member of the AMUN Secretariat will represent them as necessary. It is customary for the Council to request the presence of relevant Member States during discussion of a topic relevant to that State’s interests, however it is not required. Any State mentioned in the background research for a specific Security Council simulation has the potential to be called as a Party to the Dispute in the Council as well as any State related to a topic relevant to international peace and security. The Secretariat will notify in advance States likely to be asked to appear before one or more of the Security Councils. Those delegations should have one or more representatives prepared to come before the Council at any time. Because these States will not be involved in all issues, the representative(s) responsible for the Party to the Dispute must be assigned to another Committee, preferably with a second representative who can cover that Committee while they are away. A floating Permanent Representative would also be ideal for this assignment.
Roleplaying in Historical Security Councils Roleplaying in Historical Security Councils
AMUN’s HSCs are unique not only in their topics, but also in their treatment of those topics. History and time are the HSC’s media, and they are flexible. History will be as it was written until the moment the Council convenes; the start date for the historical simulations is provided later in this chapter. From the start date forward, what transpires will be dependent upon both Council Members’ actions and Simulation Staff decisions. Council Members are encouraged to exercise free will based on the range of all the choices within their national character, upon the capabilities of their governments and within the bounds of realistic diplomacy.
Effective roleplaying for an HSC Member State will not just be a routine replay of national decisions as they evolved in that year. Indeed, the problems of the era may not transpire as they once did, and this will force active evaluations—and reevaluations—of national policies. Thus, it cannot be said that the policy course a government took in that year will necessarily be the wisest. Even were circumstances the same, it is not a sure thing that any given government would do things exactly the same way provided a second opportunity to look at events. History is replete with the musings of foreign ministers and heads of State pining for second chances.
HSC simulations will follow a flexible timeline based on events as they occurred and as modified by the representatives’ policy decisions in the Council. The Secretariat will be responsible for tracking the simulation and keeping it as realistic as possible. In maintaining realism, representatives must remember that they are roleplaying the individual assigned as their State’s representative to the United Nations. They may have access to the up-to-the-minute policy decisions of their States, or they may be relatively in the dark on their State’s moment-to-moment actions in the world.
Open Agenda Open Agenda
A unique feature of each Security Council simulation at AMUN is the Council’s ability to set its own agenda. The situations outlined in the council-specific topic briefs on the following pages are only a few of those facing the world at the time, and each Security Council can discuss any topic that the body wishes. For the Contemporary Security Council, this includes any real-world event up until the day the simulation convenes. For the Historical Security Council, representatives should have a working knowledge of the events prior to and including the start date for their simulation. For the Historical Security Council of 1961, the start date is 1 January 1961.
For the time periods in question, open issues could include any active United Nations peacekeeping operations, the work of any United Nations body active at the time, and any social or economic issue of the day. It is strongly recommended that all representatives be well versed in current and historical global events relevant to their simulation.
Other Aspects to Consider Other Aspects to Consider
- Council Members must actively bring their country’s policies and capabilities into the simulation when discussing problems and issues before the Council.
- Representatives should consider the cost of involvement by the United Nations. An increase in costs often causes the Security Council to re-prioritize its efforts.
- Sovereignty and the role of the Council and the United Nations are also key points to consider. While State governments often do not want international meddling in what they feel are national policies or disputes, this in no way lessens the responsibility of Council Members to make the effort and find ways to actively involve themselves in crisis solutions. This task must, however, be accomplished without violating the bounds of the Member States’ national characters.
Background Research Background Research
The following sections offer brief synopsis of the main international situations facing the Security Council. For the Contemporary Security Council these briefs are current as of summer 2023. Information for the Historical Security Council covers information available up until the respective start dates of the simulation. AMUN recommends that representatives have a solid foundational knowledge of the background of major international issues. The topics laid out in this handbook are provided as a starting point for further research.
Security Council Rules Short Form Security Council Rules Short Form
Vote Required
Point of Order
Point out a misuse of the rules
Point of Information
Ask any question of the President, or gain a clarification
Point of Inquiry
Ask a question of a speaker at the end of their speech, prior to the Delegation’s yielding the floor
Suspension of the Meeting
Recess the meeting for a specific period of time
Adjournment of the Meeting
End the meeting for the year
Adjournment of Debate
Remove from consideration any substantive issue open to debate without a vote on the content of that proposal
Closure of Debate on an Agenda Topic
End debate on an agenda topic, bringing any draft resolution and amendments on the floor to an immediate vote
Closure of Debate
End debate on any substantive issue open to debate and bring it to an immediate vote
Appealing a Decision of the President
Challenge a ruling made by the President
Consultative Session
Suspend rules and move to an informal debate session
Add an Agenda Topic
Add an agenda topic to the working agenda
Change the Order of Consideration of the Working Agenda
Change the order in which agenda items are set on the working agenda
Set Working Agenda
Set the daily order for the working agenda
Limits on Debate
Impose (or repeal) a limit on the length of debate
Division of the Question
Divide a draft resolution or amendment into two or more clauses, each to be voted on separately after Closure of Debate
Consideration of Draft Resolutions
Bring a draft resolution to the floor for discussion
Consideration of Amendments
Bring an amendment to the floor for discussion
Party to the Dispute
Request a non-Security Council member be invited to the session
- A majority in the Security Council shall always be 9 votes.
- Historical Security Councils set before 1965 will require a 7 vote majority for passage.
- Any motion may be seconded, but no seconds are required in the Security Council.
The Security Council’s primary responsibility is maintaining international peace and security. The membership of the Security Council consists of fifteen Members: five Permanent Members (China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) and ten at-large Member States which the General Assembly elects for rotating two-year terms. A majority in the Security Council consists of nine Members voting “yes” (except in eleven-member Historical Security Councils before 1965, where a majority consists of seven Members voting “yes”); however, a “no” vote by any of the Permanent Members has the effect of vetoing or blocking actions.
As the Security Council only meets to discuss topics concerning international peace and security, representatives of the Security Councils at AMUN (both Contemporary and Historical) should note that the agenda provided is only provisional and represents a fraction of the issues the Security Council discusses. Unlike other Committees and Councils at AMUN, the topics presented do not constitute a complete list of topics the Security Councils can discuss. Likewise, the inclusion of the topics presented does not guarantee or mandate that a listed topic will be formally discussed during the simulation. Any issue regarding international peace and security for that time may be brought before the Councils.
Therefore, representatives on the Contemporary Security Council must have a broad knowledge regarding current events in the international community. Periodicals and online sources are some of the best sources available for day-to-day updates. Recommended resources include: The New York Times, United Nations Chronicle, The Times of London, Al Jazeera, the Mail & Guardian, Foreign Policy and The Economist. The UN News and UN Chronicle are excellent resources for timely information, and good ways for representatives to stay abreast of the most recent reports published by the Security Council and other relevant United Nations bodies.
Historical Security Council (HSC) representatives should approach their Council’s issues based on events up to the start date of the simulation and should do their research accordingly. This means using historical materials whenever possible. The world has changed dramatically over the years, but none of these changes will be evident within the chambers of the HSC. While histories of the subject will be fine for a general overview, representatives should peruse periodicals and other primary sources from three to five years before the year in question to most accurately reflect the worldview at that time. Periodicals contemporary to the period, which can be easily referenced in a Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature or the New York Times Index, will provide a much better historical perspective and feel for the times than later historical texts.
AMUN’s Security Council simulation philosophy AMUN’s Security Council simulation philosophy
One of AMUN’s core principles is to mirror the practice and dynamics of the United Nations as much as possible. To that end, AMUN strives to create and conduct simulations that are a realistic representation of diplomacy at the United Nations and the broader international system. We believe this commitment furthers AMUN’s aims to create a fair and fun experience for all representatives and that it enhances the educational mission of the organization.
This commitment to realism is especially important in Security Councils, where representatives respond to a simulated world that changes depending on the Council’s actions. Representatives are therefore asked to act within the realm of the possible.
Simulations Staff are always available to consult with representatives as they work through their diplomatic options. Representatives are encouraged to seek out Simulations Staff to act in the home office capacity when they need to supplement their research on a situation. Simulation Staff wear many hats, including acting as an in-house resource for representatives about their countries and the topics at hand.
All actions (as opposed to statements) proposed by Council Members must be approved by Simulations Staff, who are charged with managing each simulation’s timeline and alternate reality. As a rule, the Simulations Staff will give representatives a wide latitude in decision-making. However, the Simulations Staff may deny a certain action if it falls outside of the bounds of reality or would negatively impact the realism of the simulation for all participants.
For every issue before the Council, each Member is faced with a variety of options for how to react and what policy line to take. A realistic simulation will consider only those options that would have reasonably been on the table for a State at a particular moment in time. In other words, there will always be options States do not consider or dismiss out of hand because they have limited capabilities or due to historical, cultural or political constraints; in a realistic simulation, these options are not appropriate. These unrealistic approaches will not be permitted at AMUN.
This commitment to realism does not mean that simulations have a set trajectory they must follow. In the Historical Security Councils, there will certainly be many deviations from historical timelines, and re-thinking the way diplomacy played out in the past is encouraged. The same is encouraged in the Contemporary Security Council. As situations change, so do the options and attitudes of the Council Members and other countries. There are near-infinite possibilities within the bounds of realism, and our Simulation Staff will help representatives work through their options.
Declarative Statements and Operational Decisions Declarative Statements and Operational Decisions
Security Council Members are able to make declarative statements and operational decisions that will affect the course of the simulation; this ability to change reality makes these simulations different from other simulations at AMUN. Council representatives must actively bring their State’s policies and capabilities into the simulation. Representatives are welcome and encouraged to make declarative statements—including real or implied threats and deals—that do not carry operational implications outside of the United Nations; however, representatives must always consult with the Simulation Staff before making any operational decisions.
Operational decisions include any actions that would have a real-world effect outside of the United Nations, including, for example, the announcement of movements of, or actions by, national military forces. In these cases, the Simulations Staff act as the home office or government of the involved Member States(s).
Parties to the Dispute Parties to the Dispute
Sometimes other States and organizations will be involved in the deliberations of the Council as Parties to the Dispute. Delegations representing these States, if present at AMUN, will be asked to participate in deliberations by the Council. If they are not present, or cannot provide a representative to address the Council, a member of the AMUN Secretariat will represent them as necessary. It is customary for the Council to request the presence of relevant Member States during discussion of a topic relevant to that State’s interests, however it is not required. Any State mentioned in the background research for a specific Security Council simulation has the potential to be called as a Party to the Dispute in the Council as well as any State related to a topic relevant to international peace and security. The Secretariat will notify in advance States likely to be asked to appear before one or more of the Security Councils. Those delegations should have one or more representatives prepared to come before the Council at any time. Because these States will not be involved in all issues, the representative(s) responsible for the Party to the Dispute must be assigned to another Committee, preferably with a second representative who can cover that Committee while they are away. A floating Permanent Representative would also be ideal for this assignment.
Roleplaying in Historical Security Councils Roleplaying in Historical Security Councils
AMUN’s HSCs are unique not only in their topics, but also in their treatment of those topics. History and time are the HSC’s media, and they are flexible. History will be as it was written until the moment the Council convenes; the start date for the historical simulations is provided later in this chapter. From the start date forward, what transpires will be dependent upon both Council Members’ actions and Simulation Staff decisions. Council Members are encouraged to exercise free will based on the range of all the choices within their national character, upon the capabilities of their governments and within the bounds of realistic diplomacy.
Effective roleplaying for an HSC Member State will not just be a routine replay of national decisions as they evolved in that year. Indeed, the problems of the era may not transpire as they once did, and this will force active evaluations—and reevaluations—of national policies. Thus, it cannot be said that the policy course a government took in that year will necessarily be the wisest. Even were circumstances the same, it is not a sure thing that any given government would do things exactly the same way provided a second opportunity to look at events. History is replete with the musings of foreign ministers and heads of State pining for second chances.
HSC simulations will follow a flexible timeline based on events as they occurred and as modified by the representatives’ policy decisions in the Council. The Secretariat will be responsible for tracking the simulation and keeping it as realistic as possible. In maintaining realism, representatives must remember that they are roleplaying the individual assigned as their State’s representative to the United Nations. They may have access to the up-to-the-minute policy decisions of their States, or they may be relatively in the dark on their State’s moment-to-moment actions in the world.
Open Agenda Open Agenda
A unique feature of each Security Council simulation at AMUN is the Council’s ability to set its own agenda. The situations outlined in the council-specific topic briefs on the following pages are only a few of those facing the world at the time, and each Security Council can discuss any topic that the body wishes. For the Contemporary Security Council, this includes any real-world event up until the day the simulation convenes. For the Historical Security Council, representatives should have a working knowledge of the events prior to and including the start date for their simulation. For the Historical Security Council of 1961, the start date is 1 January 1961.
For the time periods in question, open issues could include any active United Nations peacekeeping operations, the work of any United Nations body active at the time, and any social or economic issue of the day. It is strongly recommended that all representatives be well versed in current and historical global events relevant to their simulation.
Other Aspects to Consider Other Aspects to Consider
- Council Members must actively bring their country’s policies and capabilities into the simulation when discussing problems and issues before the Council.
- Representatives should consider the cost of involvement by the United Nations. An increase in costs often causes the Security Council to re-prioritize its efforts.
- Sovereignty and the role of the Council and the United Nations are also key points to consider. While State governments often do not want international meddling in what they feel are national policies or disputes, this in no way lessens the responsibility of Council Members to make the effort and find ways to actively involve themselves in crisis solutions. This task must, however, be accomplished without violating the bounds of the Member States’ national characters.
Background Research Background Research
The following sections offer brief synopsis of the main international situations facing the Security Council. For the Contemporary Security Council these briefs are current as of summer 2023. Information for the Historical Security Council covers information available up until the respective start dates of the simulation. AMUN recommends that representatives have a solid foundational knowledge of the background of major international issues. The topics laid out in this handbook are provided as a starting point for further research.
Security Council Rules Short Form Security Council Rules Short Form
Rule | Debatable? | Vote Required | Description | |
6.1 | Point of Order | No | None | Point out a misuse of the rules |
6.2 | Point of Information | No | None | Ask any question of the President, or gain a clarification |
6.3 | Point of Inquiry | No | None | Ask a question of a speaker at the end of their speech, prior to the Delegation’s yielding the floor |
7.1 | Suspension of the Meeting | No | Majority | Recess the meeting for a specific period of time |
7.2 | Adjournment of the Meeting | No | Majority | End the meeting for the year |
7.3 | Adjournment of Debate | Yes | Majority | Remove from consideration any substantive issue open to debate without a vote on the content of that proposal |
7.4 | Closure of Debate on an Agenda Topic | Yes | Majority | End debate on an agenda topic, bringing any draft resolution and amendments on the floor to an immediate vote |
7.5 | Closure of Debate | Yes | Majority | End debate on any substantive issue open to debate and bring it to an immediate vote |
7.6 | Appealing a Decision of the President | Yes | Majority | Challenge a ruling made by the President |
7.7 | Consultative Session | Yes | Majority | Suspend rules and move to an informal debate session |
7.8 | Add an Agenda Topic | Yes | Majority | Add an agenda topic to the working agenda |
7.9 | Change the Order of Consideration of the Working Agenda | Yes | Majority | Change the order in which agenda items are set on the working agenda |
7.10 | Set Working Agenda | Yes | Majority | Set the daily order for the working agenda |
7.11 | Limits on Debate | Yes | Majority | Impose (or repeal) a limit on the length of debate |
7.12 | Division of the Question | Yes | Majority | Divide a draft resolution or amendment into two or more clauses, each to be voted on separately after Closure of Debate |
7.13 | Consideration of Draft Resolutions | No | None | Bring a draft resolution to the floor for discussion |
7.14 | Consideration of Amendments | No | None | Bring an amendment to the floor for discussion |
7.15 | Party to the Dispute | Yes | Majority | Request a non-Security Council member be invited to the session |
- A majority in the Security Council shall always be 9 votes.
- Historical Security Councils set before 1965 will require a 7 vote majority for passage.
- Any motion may be seconded, but no seconds are required in the Security Council.