Return To: The 2020 AMUN Handbook
The 2020 AMUN Handbook The International Press Delegation
In 2020, with the move to a virtual conference format, AMUN Staff will be running the entirety of the International Press Delegation. The content of the AMUN Chronicle, typically a printed, physical newspaper, will be published exclusively on the AMUN Blog, the AMUN Accords and will be published regularly throughout the conference, rather than in discrete issues. The IPD Staff will also be tweeting about the conference from our twitter account @AMUNIPD. We’re excited to highlight the amazing work accomplished by our representatives for the whole conference.
The AMUN Chronicle staff will still be accepting content from representatives. You can create content by submitting one of the following:
- Letter to the Editor: we will accept any Letter to the Editor on any topic that relates to the United Nations, the country you’re representing, the topics or simulations under debate, or model United Nations in general. Submissions must be less than 500 words and will be edited by the AMUN staff for content, grammar, conformity to the style guide and diplomatic courtesy.
- Press Releases: A press release is an official release from the country that you represent that is germane to the topic you’re discussing. Press Releases must be less than 500 words, and will be edited by the AMUN staff for content, grammar, conformity the style guide and diplomatic courtesy.
Additionally, you can interact with the International Press Delegation by holding a Press Conference. Any state or group of states (up to 3 states) may request a press conference. If there is a time slot available, you will be able to hold a press conference that allows you to deliver short remarks and then answer questions from AMUN Chronicle Reporters. The reporters will then recap this conference and publish it for other AMUN participants. Press Conferences will be open to any attendees of the conference and will be promoted through the conference app and on the IPD Twitter Account @AMUNIPD.
You can sign up for a Press Conference or submit a Letter to the Editor or Press Release by completing an online form that will be made available to participants of the conference through the Google Drive workspace.
If you have any questions about AMUN’s International Press Delegation, email us at
In 2020, with the move to a virtual conference format, AMUN Staff will be running the entirety of the International Press Delegation. The content of the AMUN Chronicle, typically a printed, physical newspaper, will be published exclusively on the AMUN Blog, the AMUN Accords and will be published regularly throughout the conference, rather than in discrete issues. The IPD Staff will also be tweeting about the conference from our twitter account @AMUNIPD. We’re excited to highlight the amazing work accomplished by our representatives for the whole conference.
The AMUN Chronicle staff will still be accepting content from representatives. You can create content by submitting one of the following:
- Letter to the Editor: we will accept any Letter to the Editor on any topic that relates to the United Nations, the country you’re representing, the topics or simulations under debate, or model United Nations in general. Submissions must be less than 500 words and will be edited by the AMUN staff for content, grammar, conformity to the style guide and diplomatic courtesy.
- Press Releases: A press release is an official release from the country that you represent that is germane to the topic you’re discussing. Press Releases must be less than 500 words, and will be edited by the AMUN staff for content, grammar, conformity the style guide and diplomatic courtesy.
Additionally, you can interact with the International Press Delegation by holding a Press Conference. Any state or group of states (up to 3 states) may request a press conference. If there is a time slot available, you will be able to hold a press conference that allows you to deliver short remarks and then answer questions from AMUN Chronicle Reporters. The reporters will then recap this conference and publish it for other AMUN participants. Press Conferences will be open to any attendees of the conference and will be promoted through the conference app and on the IPD Twitter Account @AMUNIPD.
You can sign up for a Press Conference or submit a Letter to the Editor or Press Release by completing an online form that will be made available to participants of the conference through the Google Drive workspace.
If you have any questions about AMUN’s International Press Delegation, email us at