Return To: The 2020 AMUN Handbook


Welcome Welcome

American Model United Nations (AMUN) is a non-profit, educational organization founded in 1989 to provide students with the highest quality, most professionally run simulation of the United Nations available. AMUN strives to combine educational quality with highly realistic simulations of the United Nations to give students an unparalleled Model UN learning experience. We return to these ideals year over year as we create the policies and applications expressed in this handbook. We are excited to have you join us for the 2020 Conference. 

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2020 Simulations 2020 Simulations

In 2020, AMUN will simulate three Main GA Committees (GA1, GA2 and GA3), the World Health Organization Executive Board (WHO), the General Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), the Human Rights Council (HRC), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Executive Board (UNESCO), the United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). AMUN also simulates three historical bodies: the Historical Security Council of 1967 (HSC67), the Historical Security Council of 1990 (HSC90) and the Historical Commission of Inquiry: Non-Aligned States in Cold War Context (COI). Finally, AMUN features a simulation of the International Press Delegation (IPD), which produces the Conference newspaper, maintains the AMUN Twitter feed during Conference and covers all simulations’ work. These bodies will meet all days of the Conference.

The Contemporary Security Council will be responsible for dealing with international peace and security issues as they stand at the opening of the Conference. Topics for the Contemporary Security Council will be set by 9 October 2020. The Historical Security Councils (1967 and 1990) will simulate the events of those years; they will use contemporary rules of procedure but will role play from the viewpoint of their delegation at the time of the simulation. The Security Council and the Historical Security Councils will meet all days of the Conference, including an emergency session on Sunday.

The International Court of Justice and the Historical Commission of Inquiry are unique simulations that will meet all three days of the Conference. Individuals must apply for positions on these simulations on the AMUN website. The International Court of Justice will hear cases brought to the Court by Member States. The Historical Commission of Inquiry: Non-Aligned States in Cold War Context will simulate a fact-finding investigation of two international incidents as requested by the Security Council.

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How to Use This Book How to Use This Book

This handbook is published to assist representatives in preparing for the American Model United Nations Conference. This handbook provides representatives with a full picture of conference philosophies, policies, and logistics, the rules of procedure required in each simulation, and substantive overviews of the simulations and topics for the Conference. Section I: Conference Policies, Logistics and Preparation is relevant to all participants at the Conference, while sections II-V detail the specific rules and substantive overviews for different types of simulations at AMUN. Delegates should be familiar with the sections and chapters relevant to their Conference assignment; Faculty Advisors and Permanent Representatives will want to be familiar with the whole handbook. 

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