Return To: The 2020 AMUN Handbook

General Conference Information

Conference Policies Conference Policies

Minimum and Maximum Delegation Counts Minimum and Maximum Delegation Counts

Each delegation should place one representative on any committee to which their country is assigned. There are 10 seats on the Historical Commission of Inquiry: Non-Aligned States in Cold War Context. Four are assigned with a country assignment and six are assigned by application. Seats on the International Court of Justice are assigned by application.

Delegations may also designate a floating permanent representative to assist with coordination across the delegation.

Schools may register up to one faculty advisor at no cost; additional faculty advisors may register for a small fee.

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Dress Code and Backgrounds in a Virtual Environment Dress Code and Backgrounds in a Virtual Environment

The appearance of AMUN participants provides the first impressions of their delegation to other representatives. Attention to proper appearance sets an expectation for professionalism and competence. In order to demonstrate respect to fellow representatives, Secretariat members and distinguished guests of the Conference, AMUN requests that, when a participant has their video feed on, they should present a professional appearance. AMUN recommends wearing Western Business attire, such as a nice shirt and jacket and appropriate accessories, to best emulate the diplomatic environment and tone for the meetings.

Participants shall not wear the traditional or religious garb of any State or organization. The only exception to this is required traditional or religious garb of a student’s personal religion or culture. Additionally, participants should not affect the mannerisms, linguistic characteristics or any other perceived traits of a State or culture that they are representing. These affectations are inappropriate and may be seen as offensive by other students or by natives of that State or culture. Small lapel pins representing the delegation’s flag or other national symbols are appropriate.

All participants should be cognizant of their background when their video feed is on. Participants may display a UN flag or the flag from their assigned country in the background, though such a display is not required. Representatives are expected to adhere to standards of Diplomatic Courtesy. Images or objects in the background that are discriminatory or offensive may not be displayed, and AMUN staff may ask participants to remove such objects. Such a decision is not subject to appeal.

Decisions about appropriate attire, virtual backgrounds and professional behavior are at the discretion of the AMUN Secretariat.

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Conduct Conduct

Representatives are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting international diplomats. This means that every courtesy, both in speech and behavior, should be extended to all representatives, faculty members, and AMUN Secretariat members at the Conference. AMUN expects the same level of diplomatic courtesy in written communications, including notes passed during formal session and posts to social media sites. AMUN reserves the right to expel any representative not acting in a courteous and professional fashion. Please refer to Rule 2.2, Diplomatic Courtesy, for more information.

To provide all participants, including representatives, Faculty Advisors, exhibitors, and AMUN Secretariat, the opportunity to benefit from Conference, AMUN is committed to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone regardless of race or ethnicity, language, disability, appearance, religion, gender identity or expression, or any other group identity. AMUN seeks to provide a conference environment in which diverse participants may learn and enjoy an environment of mutual human respect. We recognize a shared responsibility to create and foster that environment for the benefit of all. Some behaviors are, therefore, specifically prohibited. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Harassment or intimidation based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, language, physical appearance, race or ethnicity, religion or other group identity.
  • Sexual harassment or intimidation, including persistent and unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), or unsolicited physical contact.
  • Yelling at or threatening others (verbally or physically).

Speakers are asked to frame discussions as openly and inclusively as possible and to be aware of how language or images may be perceived by others. All participants are expected to observe these rules and behaviors in all conference venues. Participants asked to stop one of the aforementioned behaviors are expected to comply immediately. Any final rulings on violations of the Code of Conduct are subject to determination by the Executive Office with consultation as needed with the Board of Directors.

If anything happens throughout the conference that makes you feel unwelcome, unsafe or that prohibits you from fully participating in the AMUN experience, please let us know so that we can help you understand your options and decide what steps can be taken to address the issue. You can contact us anytime by entering the Executive Office virtual office, emailing, calling or sending a message through the virtual environment.

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Privacy Privacy

American Model United Nations (AMUN) will be recording some sessions of the 2020 Conference on Gatherly, Google, and other conference-sponsored platforms for use in future publicity and educational materials. By participating in the AMUN Conference, you consent to digital recording of AMUN sessions, including screenshots and video capture, and their release, publication, or reproduction by AMUN. AMUN will attempt to obscure personally-identifying information before release and will not identify participants by name when such material is used.

AMUN may also conduct interviews (audio, video, or written) with participants for use in publicity or educational materials. In these cases, individuals being interviewed and recorded will be asked for their permission to use the interview material and their name and/or image.

Participants in the AMUN Conference should not record or otherwise capture images, screenshots, video recordings, etc. of the Conference proceedings without the express consent of AMUN.

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Accessibility and Accommodation Accessibility and Accommodation

AMUN makes every effort to ensure that all attendees are able to fully participate in their respective roles. If you or any member of your delegation requires any accommodations or modifications to get the most out of the AMUN experience, please contact AMUN staff at as soon as possible, so we can discuss appropriate arrangements. Should you realize once Conference starts that you need an additional accommodation or modification, please contact us anytime by entering the Executive Office virtual office, emailing, calling or sending a message through virtual environment and a member of the AMUN Secretariat will be happy to assist you.

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Accessibility and Collaboration Accessibility and Collaboration

American Model United Nations is committed to making its conference accessible to all participants. Further, collaboration and consensus-building are cornerstone philosophies for the organization. To further both of these aims, AMUN requests all participants work to ensure the work of the body is accessible to all who wish to participate. The work of the body includes participating in formal debate, informal caucusing during suspensions of the meeting, note-passing, and collaborating on working documents or conducting other substantive negotiations via electronic devices and cloud computing. In this broad consideration of accessibility, we ask participants to consider language, disability, access to online tools, country of origin, and other factors that may limit some participants’ access. Ensuring accessibility is a matter of diplomatic courtesy. AMUN does not limit the tools that may be used for collaboration nor does it mandate specific access requirements, but AMUN secretariat members are available for consultation about how to make the work of the body more inclusive and collaborative.

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Plagiarism Plagiarism

AMUN strives to create a simulation of the United Nations which is as realistic as possible while still allowing for the fulfillment of our participants’ and the organization’s educational goals. As such, the AMUN policy regarding plagiarism focuses on an educational rather than a punitive goal. At AMUN, plagiarism involves the substantial, verbatim or near-verbatim copying of language, without attribution, in published or unpublished texts, speeches or documents. Representatives should adhere to their country’s policies at all times, but this does not give license to plagiarize existing materials. Thus, parts of speeches or position papers may be derived or paraphrased from previous speeches or papers, but should not be copied verbatim. Additionally, representatives should not copy and represent as their own the work of another representative or group of representatives. Collaboration and consensus-building is encouraged and appropriate, but representatives should take care that the authors of resolutions, reports and other documents are fully represented in the discussion of the body’s work. Collaborative work remains the work of the collaboration even when not all representatives are able to sign on to the final product.

Similarly, AMUN expects that all representatives are familiar with past resolutions at the United Nations, but the work of the United Nations should be expanded on in representatives’ work, not copied verbatim. There are some exceptions: for example, representatives are not necessarily expected to expand upon a phrase that is often or always used when a country gives a formal speech or a clause that is repeated verbatim through several years of resolutions on a topic. Generally, it is not necessary to explicitly credit such sources, although if substantial language is quoted, it should be acknowledged and cited. Final determinations on plagiarism and its consequences are at the discretion of the AMUN Secretariat.

The goal of any Model UN conference is to work toward the resolution of a problem facing the world. The documents created to this end are inevitably the work of a collaborative process; without that collaboration, States could never achieve consensus. Obtaining individual credit for the submission or sponsorship of a draft document should never be a State’s or representative’s goal during a Model UN Conference. Representatives are expected to collaborate in the drafting and submission of draft documents with the utmost level of respect and diplomatic courtesy.

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Post-Conference Surveys Post-Conference Surveys

The AMUN Secretariat works year-round to prepare and run a premiere Model UN conference. With your feedback we are able to improve the educational and administrative experience for our participants. Please take a moment to complete a post-conference survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we plan for an even more successful Conference the following year. Surveys can be completed online.

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Special Conference Events Special Conference Events

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Keynote Speaker Keynote Speaker

American Model United Nations International strives to bring quality keynote speakers to the Conference. AMUN keynote speakers are usually individuals with extensive background in international affairs and have included ambassadors, United Nations employees, speakers from NGOs and notable personalities. The date and time of a keynote speaker will depend on the speaker’s schedule, and the conference agenda will be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the speaker and to maximize representatives’ time in committee. If you have a suggestion for (and, ideally, a connection to) a keynote speaker at AMUN, please email the Executive Office at

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After-hours caucusing space After-hours caucusing space

One of the draws of any Model UN conference is the after-hours informal caucusing. The virtual Conference platform will be available for informal caucusing after hours. Standard rules of diplomatic courtesy apply at all times while using the platform, including during informal caucusing.

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Security Council Emergency Session Security Council Emergency Session

Representatives in each Security Council will work to resolve a simulated crisis during the Conference. This unique simulation occurs Sunday morning. The rules of procedure mandate that each member of the Council attend the emergency session. Attendance at crisis sessions is limited to Security Council and Historical Security Council representatives, requested parties to the dispute, and their faculty advisors. Observers must secure the permission of the AMUN Secretariat members in charge of the session. Secretariat members have the authority to request anyone they determine is being disruptive to leave the virtual simulation room.

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Events for Faculty Advisors and Permanent Representatives Events for Faculty Advisors and Permanent Representatives

AMUN hosts several Conference-related events for permanent representatives and faculty advisors during each Conference. They are:

  • Delegation Lottery: The Delegation Lottery is conducted to allow the current year’s attendees to select countries for the following year. A deposit for next year’s Conference is required to participate.
  • Permanent representative and faculty advisor meetings: Held daily during Conference, these meetings allow you to share comments and concerns on this year’s Conference and any issues your school is experiencing.
  • Roundtables and workshops for faculty advisors: Guest speakers discuss running and advocating for Model UN with Faculty Advisors in informal discussions and roundtable presentations. Consult the Conference Agenda for times.

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Graduate School and Career Expo Graduate School and Career Expo

American Model United Nations International (AMUN) will once again be hosting an annual Graduate School and Career Expo to be held during the 31st American Model United Nations Conference. The Graduate School and Career Expo will be held this year on Friday, 23 October 2020 from 2:00 p.m. CT to 5:00 p.m. CT using our virtual meeting platform. The Expo is a great opportunity to meet with representatives from graduate schools and organizations across the country and plan your future. Event exhibitors will be announced in advance.

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