This handbook provides the critical information you need to prepare for and participate in the 2019 American Model United Nations Conference.
This year, we have consolidated the information previously found in our two handbook publications, Issues at AMUN and AMUN Rules and Procedures into a single digital handbook. This handbook is now your one-stop-shop for conference information and policies, research and preparation tips, background guides and bibliographies, information about writing resolutions and reports, and the AMUN Rules of Procedure.
- Introduction
Introduction to the General Assembly
- General Assembly Rules of Procedure
- General Assembly Plenary
- General Assembly First Committee (Disarmament and International Security)
- General Assembly Second Committee (Economic and Financial)
- General Assembly Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)
- The World Conference on Youth
- The International Telecommunications Union (Special Committee)
- Introduction to ECOSOC and Report Writing Bodies
- Introduction to the Security Councils
- Introduction to Historical Commissions of Inquiry
- Section VI: Special Simulations
The 2019 AMUN Handbook is © Copyright 1990-2019, by American Model United Nations, Inc. (AMUN). Reproduction of any part of these handbooks may be made only by written consent of AMUN. Please Request for permission to use handbooks online. AMUN will be pleased to provide permission to copy this information to any Model United Nations organization or other educational group that is interested in utilizing this material. AMUN asks that groups interested in using this material do the following:
- Request permission to use the material by e-mail or in writing, stating the name of your group, purpose for which the information will be used, and contact information for your group, and,
- Credit AMUN on each reprint of the material for any information used. For further information, please contact the AMUN Executive Office by e-mail at or by phone at (773) 777-AMUN.