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Security Council Situation Report 26 October 2021

Situation Report on Matters Pertaining to International Peace and Security

This update complements the background guide already published in the AMUN Handbook. Please read the handbook before turning to this update.

The Situation in the Middle East (Syria)

A round of talks between the Syrian government, opposition groups, and civil society groups has ended inconclusively. The meeting was intended to begin work on a new constitution for Syria, in accordance with the 2012 Geneva Communique which laid out a “road map” for ending the Syrian civil war. Representatives from the Syrian government and the opposition have each cast the other as responsible for the failure of the talks. United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen called the result “a big disappointment” but also added that the talks had established trust which could be built on in the future.

In northwestern Syria, the Syrian army shelled the rebel-held city of Idlib, killing ten people, including four children, and wounding twenty others. A spokesperson for the Secretary-General described the artillery attacks as “the most significant increase in hostilities in northwest Syria since the ceasefire agreement of March 2020.” The shelling is believed to be retaliation by the Syrian government for a bomb attack against a military bus in Damascus several days earlier. The bombing killed 14 military personnel, making it the deadliest attack in the Syrian capital city in several years. A group called the “Qasioun Brigades” claimed responsibility.

In central Syria, the United States conducted a drone strike which killed senior al-Qaeda leader Abdul Hamid al-Matar. The statement did not specify whether this was connected to the attack on an American base in southern Syria two days earlier.


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