Hamas Give Press Conference

By: Ethan Lehman-Pace, Student Reporter

Early in the day on 20 November, a Representative of Hamas spoke at a press conference in Qatar. The United Nations Security Council (SC) was allowed to watch via livestream and the Representative answered questions from the local Arabic news media.

The Representative opened with the news that 75 hostages have been already released and were, in all likelihood, already back with their families. The Representative mentioned that women, children and the elderly were prioritized, but no word on the non-Israeli citizens. 

The Representative of Hamas shared that in response to their generous offer, they now wish for double the fuel that they had previously been requesting. Additionally, they are calling for an immediate ceasefire. Then, they say, they will be willing to engage in discussion on releasing more hostages. 

On the topic of how negotiations are going, the Representative said, “We feel that we are currently victorious and that [their] negotiation partners have been cooperative.” The Representative also felt that negotiations would hopefully be more fruitful now that they’ve performed this act of generosity.

*The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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