A Conference App for AMUN: The AMUN Guidebook


There are so many things happening at #AMUN2017, and we are excited to announce one more today. This year, AMUN will be introducing a conference app, via the Guidebook platform. Welcome to the 21st century, right?


Why is AMUN adopting an app?

We’ve heard your feedback that we need to increase the ways that we deliver content to all of you , our customers, and the app will help us do that. We know that more and more representatives rely on digital technologyㅡsmartphones, tablets, and laptopsㅡto access information and to interact with others. The AMUN Guidebook will allow us to provide official conference information, will allow representatives and attendees to access vital information (including the AMUN rules, topic briefs and active hyperlinks from the topic brief bibliographies) in a convenient manner, and will allow conference attendees to communicate with each other and with AMUN staff through interactive social features.

What does the app do?

In the months leading up to Conference, think of the app as another go-to source for AMUN information. The AMUN Rules of Procedure, Topic Briefs, FAQs, and other information will be available in one place. Of course, we will continue to host all of this information on our website, www.amun.org. And our website will still have all the in-depth information about conference logistics, registration, etc. that you need.

At Conference, we will go live with other, more interactive features. All users will be able to see the public information provided by AMUN, and users will also have the choice of checking in to the app, which will enable access to features such as messaging and posting on an internal social-media feed. All users who wish to use the social features of the app must conform to the app’s and AMUN’s user guidelines.

How do I download the app?

First, you will need to download the Guidebook app from your favorite app store. Then, search for American Model United Nations 2017 in the app’s event search feature. You can also follow the instructions here. If you don’t have a smartphone or tablet, you can also access a web version of the app.

How can I ensure I receive relevant notifications from AMUN?
If you know which committee you will be assigned to and you want to receive committee-specific notifications from the AMUN Secretariat, you will need to add the Saturday evening session to the “my schedule” module of the app. You will also need to “check in” to the event guide from the “Attendees” module.

What are the AMUN account and user guidelines?

AMUN has created the following set of account guidelines for use of the Guidebook app. Any accounts that do not conform to these guidelines may have features blocked or be deleted.

  • Each account and attendee profile must include a first and last name that matches an AMUN attendee from a registered school.
  • Each account must include a valid e-mail address, preferably the student’s official school e-mail address.
  • Each account should include the representative’s country (Company Name) and primary committee assignment (Position) in the profile.
  • Abuse or harassment via the Guidebook app is unacceptable and violates AMUN’s rule 2.2 on Diplomatic Courtesy.
    • Any abusive behavior should be reported immediately to the AMUN Executive Office in the Ohio Room.
    • The AMUN Executive Committee and Executive Office may, without warning, block abusive users from using the social features of the app.
  • Widespread abuse of app features such as the Interact feed or peer-to-peer messaging will result in the entire Conference losing access to those features.


Have questions?
As always, please get in touch with the Executive Office at mail@amun.org. We’re looking forward to connecting with you in this new way.


More to read

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