GA Third Resolution Addresses Environmental Crimes

By: Hattie Novak, Student Reporter*

Resolution II/1 passed 59/0/7 this morning. Issues like deforestation, fishing, mining, waste disposal, wildlife trafficking and overpopulation impact the environment through habitat loss, pollution and loss of biodiversity. Member States of the General Assembly Third Committee have been working tirelessly to reach a solution that will combat crimes committed against the environment and provide global benefits. This Resolution focuses on protecting biodiversity and animal life, creating more wildlife parks to protect endangered species and encouraging other Member States to increase efforts to prevent criminal deforestation. These issues are a major concern for several nations and this solution received full support from nations such as Bulgaria, Portugal, Namibia, Myanmar, Italy and France. 

France had previously expressed concern that the resolutions provided were not emphasizing protection of wildlife and plants enough. The nation therefore drafted a resolution to address this concern by focusing on wildlife preservation. “We would love to have permanent and effective change to protect those animals on the threatened and endangered list,” said Representative Ethan Tennant of France. 

Noting that resolution II/1 passed without opposition, Representative Bonnie Ray of Italy said, “we think that that shows a wonderful cooperation and support from the entire body on protecting our environment.” In order to combat these crimes, cooperation between international organizations, communities and States is required to prevent future environmental crimes and end existing ones. “The passing of II/1 was a momentous occasion as we were able to work with the East and the West to collaborate and once again have a resolution that passed with no opposition,” said Representative Tennant of France. 

*The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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