GA 2: A Conversation with Burkina Faso on the Horrors of  Colonialism

By: Kaia Lanter, Student Reporter

Burkina Faso has advocated and worked vigorously on behalf of nations that continue to live the horrors of past colonialism. Once brought to the committee’s attention, the resolution was passed with a 31/4/27 vote. 

“This world is a sinking ship,” said Representative Ryun Hoffert of Burkina Faso. “Even though developing countries think they are not on the sinking ship. They in fact are. The African bloc and nations spanning four continents, want to right this sinking ship. That is why we have reached a consensus on AA and AA is currently going through the Rapporteur process. We extend a hand to developing powers and hope that there can be a world wide alliance to write this sinking ship.” 

This resolution, titled  “Ensuring Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern energy for all”,  aims at a healthy economy and implementing democracy to protect nation-states from failing.  

“Colonialism and all of its horrors are often thought of as a phenomenon of the past. This is sadly not true. The ancient regime of old colonialism and imperialism has been gradually replaced with a newer regime… as developed nations from both East and West try to exert their will through money on nations ravaged by colonialism. When these nations use their voices to stand up for themselves, they all too often are threatened with the revocations of grants that new imperialist powers insist are granted entirely of their own good-will. We have seen both Eastern and Western forces at play in GA2 as the African bloc presents a united effort to pass resolution AA and push for clean and efficient African power, including nuclear power which has for a long time been kept locked away by developed nations. We, Burkina Faso, unequivocally condemn the diplomatic power plays aimed at stalling a consensus resolution that was contributed to by nations spanning four continents. By trying to stall this resolution both Eastern and Western developed powers are in turn proving that they too will go down in the books of history as colonialists.” 

*The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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