Letter to the Editor

From the AA coalition in UAEA:

Dear Editor,

In the United Nations Environment Assembly, a crucial concern to address is the oversight of aid being provided towards sustainability projects. In order to address this concern, the coalition that wrote resolution AA believes strongly that a body to report upon the progress and recommend which projects should continue to be funded would increase cooperation and accountability within the international community on the global move towards sustainable development. Lack of followthrough on previous UN climate change reduction projects has influenced us to create a body to ensure a more cohesive effort to face this unilateral issue as well as a system for international accountability to ensure the cooperation of all. This letter serves to outline the ideal makeup of said enforcement group, as mentioned in UNEA Resolution AA 4:A.

This body should establish a rotating council of members, where all members have an opportunity to serve on the council and to lead the body. The first members of the body should be chosen through elections within the United Nations Environmental Assembly advised by the Secretary-General. The application process would be overseen by the United Nations Environmental Assembly, with members chosen through the application process to serve for a period of six years. This process would function on a rotating basis with a proportion of the seats being replaced every two years, with the timing of elections structured in order to ensure the voices of all Member States are being heard while maintaining a level of continuity. Members would be chosen to equitably represent Member States in the six UN Environment regions as recognized by the Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum. To ensure developing countries always have a voice at all times half of the members must be lower or middle-income countries, as defined by the UN as having a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of less than $12,615 annually. 

The primary duty of the oversight council would be to observe the maintenance of these programs. The body will act as a resource for member states as they implement programs using funding allocated by the body. The council will hold semi-annual oversight hearings for each program receiving allocated funding in order to ensure the allocated funds are being used in a means deemed appropriate by the body. The body will also advise member states as to the value provided by their use of funds and provide confidence that said funds are being properly used. 

The body recommends withdrawing funding from programs that are determined to be insufficient by the established body if member states refuse to receive advising, after a one (1) year probationary period. This body will include expert advisers to ensure the effective distribution of resources and guarantee that the progress towards sustainability is being met.


The delegations of The Philippines, Chile, and Colombia and the rest of the AA coalition

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