EU and South Asian Pacific Gaining Momentum on Resolution

By: Kaia Lanter, Student Reporter*

The General Assembly Second Committee has a strong focus to promote green energy on a global scale. Spain introduced a proposal to expand nuclear energy, and many nations added their perspective on the possibility of green energy. 

Their resolution entails supporting nuclear power plants instead of solar or wind power. They have had support from Members of the European Union, the South Asian Pacific and the African bloc. Representative Myles Jefferson of the Marshall Islands, a supporter of this resolution, said, “A nuclear option benefits islands and reduces the risk of nuclear meltdowns resulting from earthquakes.” Spain’s primary concern is encouraging developing countries in this resolution to move to nuclear power plants. Without proper infrastructure, this resolution could undermine these environmental efforts. 

The issue at hand is the involvement of developing countries in this draft proposal, and in particular with relevant infrastructure challenges. Representatives involved do not want to take advantage of developing countries in this energy transition and instead wish to prioritize the environment over profit. With this approach, Spain seeks to initiate a liberation of the individual rather than gaining power for their own country. Representative Caleb Walls of Spain said, “Spain is all for upholding the sovereignty of developing countries and making sure they are not abused by rich countries. Oftentimes, environmental initiatives harm developing countries disproportionately, because they are not effective in their outlining terms.” The Resolution aims to promote international cooperation over competition. 

Beyond recognizing harms, Spain also shared that they are on the brink of what could be a new sustainable energy source. 

Next on the agenda for this resolution draft is support for expanded infrastructure in developing nations.

The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC., *Kaia Lanter, Georgetown College or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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