Draft Resolution II/2

The United Nations Environment Assembly

After multiple hours of discussion, research and editing, Resolution UNEA/II/2 on the subject of the poverty-environment nexus was passed by the body. The goal of this resolution is to provide conditions for more sustainable development, the alleviation of poverty and a more connected approach to environmental issues. As the Representative of Kenya, a country whose rural and agricultural areas are vulnerable to the effects of the dry season and drought, Ruthie Edwards is not only happy with Operative Clause 14 part E of the resolution dealing with rural infrastructure and food cultivation, but with the resolution as a whole.

The success of the implementation of the resolution depends largely upon funding and resources provided by wealthier states and institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Representative Collin Schrader of the United States expressed enthusiasm towards the resolution being adopted by the body. Representative Schrader acknowledges that creating meaningful change requires sacrifice and is hopeful that this change occurs and is beneficial for their partner States. Though cooperation is optimal, if a situation were to occur in which a government had created policy which causes harm or does not align with the United States’ values or goals, the continuation of aid would have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Representative Schrader confirmed human rights abuses to be one of the circumstances that would cause hesitation toward the continuation of aid. During an earlier session, representatives of smaller States expressed their desire for a divorce from Western influence, but since the resolution was adopted, it can be inferred that, to at least some States, the benefits of aid outweigh the possibility of Western interference.

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