Debate on ITU Resolution I/2 EDGE Came to Conclusion and Passed by Consensus

By: Walter Aleksic

*ITU Rapporteurs working through Draft Resolutions

In a defining moment for digital equality, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has reached a unanimous agreement on Resolution I/2 EDGE, dedicated to enhancing the digital inclusion of indigenous populations globally. The Resolution’s consensus-based adoption signifies a profound commitment from the international community to make access to technology equitable across the world, in line with the goals and spirit of the UN Charter. This Resolution represents a significant move to address the digital disparities impacting indigenous communities.

Taking cues from other global initiatives on the matter, the Resolution’s core components involve establishing an inclusive initiative within the ITU, bringing together Representatives from every continent, including the Middle East, alongside indigenous communities. The initiative’s primary aim is to effectively utilize existing funds to foster digital inclusivity. Additionally, the Resolution advocates for redirecting ITU resources towards the development of infrastructure and educational facilities in areas that are underrepresented or suffer from high-conflict situations.

The unanimous endorsement of Resolution 1/2 EDGE underscores a global acknowledgment of the necessity for approaches to digital inclusion that are both culturally sensitive and historically aware. This resolution not only commits to technological advancement, it represents a profound respect and consideration for the unique challenges and perspectives of indigenous peoples.

*The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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