Czech Representative Presented a Controversial Speech GA2

On Sunday’s afternoon session in the General Assembly Second Committee, Representative Kristian Strelecki of Czechia gave a proposition that wasn’t widely accepted among the public while discussing the topic Women in Development. Representative Streleckisaid that we should consider forcing the sterilization of men over the age of 35. While some other Representatives claimed this was an irrelevant speech, Representative Streleckiinsists that this is the core of the topic. For him the reasoning behind this speech is very simple: while a lot of places in the world ban abortion, it would be much efficient if we ban men from causing pregnancy in the first place.

Representative Strelecki believes that this idea, if it was developed and used in every State in the world, would help equalize the balance between men and women while acting as a measure of birth control to reduce the population by eliminating unwanted pregnancies such as teenage pregnancies. The Representative also believes that this act will decrease violence against women and their dependency on men. When asked about human rights Representative Strelecki’s first argument concerned the abortion ban in many developed countries, stating “If they can why can’t we?”

This is a very deep and important subject to discuss and decide. Some Representatives expressed serious concerns about human rights and forcing sterilization on men who have done nothing wrong except reach a certain age, saying that advocating for women doesn’t mean we should deprive men of their rights, but rather we should give more rights to women.

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