CPD Sunday Morning Round-Up

The Commission on Population and Development wrapped up a full day of deliberations, caucusing and writing to deliver and pass two resolutions.  One passed unanimously and the other was adopted by consensus, demonstrating a high level of negotiation and consideration of varying viewpoints. 

Resolution CPD/I/1 addresses the needs arising from migration and travel during COVID-19. The final version of this resolution calls for quarantine zones for migrants who are not currently vaccinated at borders and at ports of entry. It further calls for increased availability of vaccines at these locations to ensure the opportunity to become vaccinated. Finally, it calls on Member States to assist in repatriating travellers who were out of the country when COVID hit.

Resolution CPD/I/2 addresses the concerns of safety and quality of life in refugee camps and the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees. The resolution calls for education and job assistance to ensure refugees can make a positive impact to their host countries. Member States also need to determine their timelines for integration or remittance.

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