Contact Update

Please use this form to notify American Model United Nations of any changes in your school’s Model United Nations program contact information.

    What is your college/university?

    Please spell out the full name.

    What is your e-mail?

    For confirmation

    What type of change is this?

    Help us understand how to change our contact information for your MUN program.

    FULL REPLACE - This new information should replace all of our current contact informationPARTIAL REPLACE - This information should replace one of our current contacts; please elaborate belowADD - Add this new information as an additional contact for our schoolMODIFY - Please modify an existing contact for our groupOther

    This contact should be listed as the PRIMARY contact for our school.

    The PRIMARY contact will be the person to whom any hard-copy mailing (e.g., handbooks) are sent. We will send all AMUN communications via e-mail to as many people as desired.

    What is the full name for this new/revised contact?

    What is the preferred salutation for this new/revised contact?

    Select the contact information categories that are being updated.

    Mailing address (update only if PRIMARY contact)E-mail addressCell phone numberOffice phone numberOther

    What is the new/revised mailing address for your PRIMARY contact?

    Please include the street address, city, state and zip code, along with any additional information, such as a box number. Please note, AMUN requires a physical mailing address for all schools; if we do not have one on file for you, we will contact you for this information. If this is a NEW primary contact, please provide a physical mailing address.

    What is the new e-mail address for your school?

    AMUN recommends that schools create a generic e-mail account (e.g. to ensure that all communications from AMUN are received promptly without regard to changes in leadership. If you wish to add multiple e-mail addresses, please fill out a form for each additional e-mail.

    What is the new cell phone number?

    What is the new office phone number?

    Do you have any other questions or comments about your AMUN contact information?

    If so, write them here, and a member of the Secretariat will be in touch.

    Support AMUN to accelerate the development of future leaders

    AMUN is a non-profit that continues to grow with the help from people like you!