Conference Services: The Place for Questions and Swag

Conference Services can be the cornerstone of your success at AMUN whether this will be your very first AMUN conference or your fifth. The CS staff is composed only of senior staffers, so there are years of experience waiting at the Conference Services desk to answer any of your questions. 

The staff at Conference Services are familiar with the layout of the hotel and the local area, as well as the various departments and processes at AMUN. If you are unsure where you need to go, or how to go about doing something conference related, stop by CS on the Ballroom level of the Sheraton. We can help you figure it out and show you exactly where to go. This applies to both new and returning representatives. 

Conference Services also has a variety of AMUN souvenirs for purchase to commemorate  your time at AMUN. We have everything from AMUN t-shirts to lapel pins to bumper stickers to cozy blankets. We accept cash and credit cards (Visa and MasterCard).

To be recognized in committee, you need your credentials. If you have forgotten or misplaced your credentials, stop by Conference Services to have new credentials printed. This allows you to return to committee and get right back to work instead of walking all the way back to your hotel. Lost and Found is also located at Conference Services. Coats, gloves, electronics, water bottles, notebooks, and more are left behind each session in committee rooms. Those lost and forgotten items make their way back to Conference Services. We hang on to them until the owner returns to claim them, or until conference ends, at which point we turn over any remaining lost items to hotel lost and found. 

If you are looking for a quick bite to eat, or trying to make dinner plans but want an insider’s opinion, stop by Conference Services. As senior staffers we have spent plenty of time in Chicago, and some of us have lived and worked in Chicago as well. We are happy to tell you about our favorite lunch and dinner spots. Our opinions extend to the free afternoon as well. We have a list of events and attractions going on that can fill your free afternoon. Stop by and we will give you some ideas.cre

Perhaps you have wondered how people become a staff member at AMUN. Each year a select group of representatives become staff members. This most often happens during one’s senior year. If you are interested in becoming a staff member, the process will officially begin at Conference Services. Bring a completed staff application (found on the documents table in your committee room) to Conference Services, and we will help you to schedule an interview. Your interviewer will meet you at Conference Services at the time of your interview. Have questions? Conference Services is happy to answer any questions about the staff side of things. Our number one recommendation about applying to staff? Don’t wait – interview times on Monday and Tuesday fill up quickly and can be the most hectic time of conference for representatives. 

Can’t wait to see you all soon!

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