Conference Services, the Answer People

At AMUN, time is at a premium. Our Conference Services team can help you find what you need quickly at Conference, whether this is your first conference or your fifth. The staff of this department is unique, comprised of solely senior staff members. Because of our years of experience (often in multiple departments) we are able and happy to answer a wide range of questions that you might have.

When you need to find something, or somewhere

Conference Service staffers know the layout of the hotel, locations of various departments and committees as well as processes that representatives might encounter. If you find yourself looking for a specific department or committee, stop by Conference Services, we will show you exactly where it is, and make sure that you are headed to the right place. If you do not know what department you need, Conference Services is a great place to start.

Conference Services is also home to AMUN’s lost and found. Coats, gloves, water bottles and electronics are just some of the things that people leave behind. These forgotten items make their way to Conference Services, where we hold on to the item until it is claimed by the owner, or the end of conference when we turn any forgotten items over to hotel lost and found.

If you are looking for a quick bite to eat, or trying to make dinner plans but want an insider’s opinion, stop by Conference Services. As senior staffers we have spent plenty of time in Chicago – some of us have lived and worked in Chicago as well. We are happy to tell you about our favorite lunch and dinner spots. Our opinions extend to the free afternoon as well. We have a list of events and attractions going on that can fill your free afternoon. Stop by and we will give you some ideas.

When you need something

To be recognized in committee, you need your credentials. If you have forgotten or misplaced your credentials, stop by Conference Services to have new credentials printed. This allows you to return to committee and get right back to work instead of walking all the way back to your hotel. Conference Services also has a variety of AMUN souvenirs for purchase to remember your time at AMUN. We have everything from AMUN t-shirts to lapel pins to bumper stickers to cozy blankets. We accept cash and credit card.

When you want to join staff

Every year a select group of representatives become staffers. Joining the AMUN staff has been a great addition to my life and resume, and it all started at Conference Services. If you have questions about the staff side of things, come ask us. We are happy to answer any questions that you have regarding any aspect of being a staff member.

Ready to join Staff? Bring a completed staff application to the Conference Services desk, and we will help you schedule your interview. At the time of your interview, return to Conference Services, and your interviewer will meet you there.

We hope that you will stop by Conference Services while at AMUN. Conference Services is located on the ballroom level, just across from the Sheraton Ballrooms I-V. We would like to say we have all the answers. Alas, we do not – but we know who does and how to get you there.

More to read

The AMUN Accords is a premier resource for fact-based Model United Nations simulations. We are always looking for new contributors. Want to write for the AMUN Accords? Check out out the submission guidelines and then get in touch!

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