Conference is Coming! Last-minute tips for AMUN Representatives

The AMUN Secretariat has converged on the Sheraton. Computers are set up. Copies are being made. Staff are in training. Humidifiers are going, and water is being consumed at a stunning rate. We can’t wait for you to join us for AMUN 2018! We have a few important reminders for you as you finish your preparations for Conference.
Dress Code Reminder
AMUN will enforce the representative dress code for all formal meetings, including the opening session and the final day of the Conference. Standard western business attire is the only appropriate clothing for participation. Exceptions are granted only for the required personal religious or cultural practice of Representatives; Representatives should not wear the religious, cultural, or business attire of a country they are roleplaying. Representatives who are inappropriately attired may not be recognized during roll call or may be denied speaking rights on the floor or voting rights during committee sessions. Please carefully review the Dress Code Policy in the Rules and Procedures handbook.
Rules and Roleplaying Sessions
The Rules and Roleplaying sessions are held on Saturday, 19 November from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. These sessions evolve and change each year based on the feedback we receive from representatives. We hope you will join us whether this is your first conference or your fourth. Senior AMUN Secretariat members will offer demonstrations and explanations of AMUN’s rules and offer suggestions for effective roleplaying in each of our three major simulation types: GA/ECOSOC, Report-Writing Bodies and Security Council Simulations. After the presentations, the speakers will be available to take questions from the Representatives.
Sessions are divided by committee/council, see below for room assignments:
- ECOSOC Commissions (CPD & CDPEG) – Mayfair Room, Level 2
- Security Council & Historical Security Councils – Superior Room, Level 2
- GA Plenary, GA Committees, WHO and UNEA – Riverwalk A, Lower Level
All Representatives are invited and encouraged to attend AMUN’s Rules and Roleplaying Sessions. The sessions are being held during Conference Registration, just before the actual Conference convenes, to give as many representatives as possible an opportunity to attend. These sessions are designed to assist representatives by clarifying AMUN rules and procedures and are a final opportunity to think about refining roleplaying strategies before representatives formally step into their country roles. These sessions also allow representatives an opportunity to interact with and ask questions of the AMUN Secretariat in a more informal setting.
Representative Dance – Halloween Theme
AMUN’s annual Representative Dance will be on Monday evening following the close of the last session and running until 2:00 a.m. We hope you’ve got your favorite Halloween costume picked out, because the theme of this year’s preeminent Model UN soiree is Halloween! Whether you dress as Voltron, don your best mummy outfit or just come as you are, we hope you’ll have a blast at the dance. Credentials are required for entry to the Dance. No glass or bottles will be allowed inside.
Join the AMUN Secretariat
Ask any member of the AMUN Secretariat and they’ll tell you that they love being on the AMUN staff. Please pick up an application if you think you might enjoy being on staff. Every simulation room, the conference registration and the Conference Services desk will all have applications available. AMUN Secretariat is open to anyone; we are a 100% volunteer staff, but we recommend it for juniors, seniors or students about to graduate. For more information talk to any member of the secretariat at conference or email us at
Late Night Caucusing Room
AMUN has reserved the River Exhibition Hall on the lower level of the Sheraton Grand Chicago as a place for representatives to gather after normal Conference hours. Passionate debaters can be a loud bunch, please be considerate of other hotel guests and take advantage of this space for after-hours caucusing. Whether you want to hang out with new friends, keep talking about that resolution from GA1, or just hang out this space is for you.
What are you doing on Monday afternoon?
From the glamorous storefronts of the Magnificent Mile to the everyday fun of the Navy Pier, the Windy City has it all. We know that for many of you this is your first time to the great city of Chicago; we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see a part of it, so we’re giving you a free afternoon. On Monday, 20 November from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. you’ll be free of your duties as ambassador to have an adventure in one of America’s greatest cities. Burn off some of that late-night pizza with a Chicago bike tour, or if you’ve been good about those calories, how about a walking cupcake tour? AMUN loves Chicago, and with the Conference centered in Chicago’s Loop there’s plenty to do just a short walk away.
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