GA4 Sunday Morning Update

Assistance in Mine Action:

General Assembly 4 is in discussion of topic area 1: Assistance in Mine Action. Mexico gave a speech on being one of few Member States that has never used landmines and requested that the body protect all peoples from the devastating harm landmines can cause. They opened themselves up to points of inquiry, in which the United Kingdom asked, “How would Mexico address not overcrowding cities/towns that are safe from landmines?” Mexico responded that they would try not to cause internal refugees, but they suggested setting up temporary housing while the landmines are being deactivated. Gabon went on to give a speech saying that any policies should focus on three things: Retrieval, Restitution and Restoration. They would like to see Retrieval through training of the locals so they may become autonomous in the deactivation process, restitution from colonial powers and, with the restitution, see restoration of the cities/towns affected by landmines. Mexico was curious how Gabon would work with colonial powers to provide the restitution, to which Gabon responded it would be a voluntary program from them. France followed up with a question on controlled areas post-conflict. Gabon said it is the responsibility of the colonial powers to help post-conflict.

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