Announcing the AMUN 2019 Topics

We are pleased to announce the final topics for the 2019 AMUN Conference agenda! We will be using the AMUN Accords, the AMUN Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter to publish items related to these topics throughout the year, and we will publish our complete background guides in the fall.

General Assembly Plenary (Concurrent)

*Required participation. Universal membership. Resolution-writing body.

  • The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Review
  • Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations

General Assembly First Committee

*Required participation. Universal membership. Resolution-writing body.

  • The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects
  • Nuclear disarmament

General Assembly Second Committee

*Required participation. Universal membership. Resolution-writing body.

  • Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • International migration and development

General Assembly Third Committee

*Required participation. Universal membership. Resolution-writing body.

  • Promotion and protection of the rights of children
  • Rights of indigenous peoples

World Conference on Youth

*Optional participation, limited to one representative per delegation. Universal membership. Resolution-writing body.

  • Promoting healthy lives and access to quality health care
  • Empowering marginalized youth emphasizing the most at risk young people

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

*Limited membership. Resolution-writing body.

  • Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs
  • Cybersecurity

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

*Limited membership. Report-writing body.

  • Women’s economic empowerment: boosting women’s entrepreneurship in Africa
  • Enhancing the climate resilience of Africa’s infrastructure

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ)
*Limited membership. Report-writing body.

  • Preventing and combating trafficking in persons facilitated by the criminal misuse of information and communications technologies
  • Taking action against gender-related killing of women and girls

Security Council
*Limited membership. Crisis body.

  • Open Agenda

Historical Security Council 2003
*Limited membership. Crisis body.

  • Open Agenda

Historical Security Council 1961
*Limited membership. Crisis body.

  • Open Agenda

Historical Commission of Inquiry: Assassinations
*Limited membership. Report-writing body. Individual expert representatives. Six positions assigned by application.

  • United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri
  • Commission of Inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

International Court of Justice
*Fifteen independent Justices assigned by application.

  • Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark)
  • Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia v. Singapore)
  • Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. The United States of America)

International Press Delegation
*Fourteen independent reporters assigned by application.

  • Open Agenda

We think this is a great agenda: packed with relevant, timely and important topics with global appeal. There’s plenty of room for consensus-building, negotiating on areas of disagreement and creative problem-solving. Thanks to everyone who gave us important feedback during the Committee on the Agenda meeting at the 2018 Conference. Which committee or topic are you most excited about for the 2019 agenda?

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