African Union States Perceive Exclusion in GA Second Committee

Monday morning, just after the opening of the first session, the GA Second Committee voted on draft resolution I/1, with a close result, passing by 38/35/16. Looking into the numbers, the vote really came down to abstentions and no votes. Representatives Sarah Doran and Sarah Leblanc of Gabon spoke to this matter and expressed their concerns about the kinds of resolutions being proposed right now. According to them, there is no way to enforce the kinds of policies being included in the resolutions.

Representatives Doran and Leblanc added that “We didn’t see the answers that we like. They were making some really lofty recommendations. With a nation like Gabon that has regionally very high literacy rates for women, we consider them very theoretical.” They also mentioned the fact that they did not feel included in the process while working on this resolution. According to Representatives Doran and Leblanc, while these resolutions were supposed to involve every Member State present in the committee, a lot of Developing Nations, especially African States, felt excluded and ignored during the negotiations even though they are the ones the most affected by them.

Representatives Doran and Leblanc also reflected that membership in the African Union puts Gabon in a unique position regarding state sovereignty, as African States are trying to protect their borders and economies now more than ever.

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