2006 Handbooks

Issues at AMUN 2006

The Issues at AMUN Handbook includes background research and bibliographies on the topics which will be discussed at this year’s AMUN Conference. These are not intended as complete background guides, but rather as a starting point for additional research by AMUN participants.

Full copy of Issues at AMUN, all chapters
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Issues at AMUN Cover
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Table of Contents & Credits
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I. The United Nations
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II. The Security Council
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III. The Historical Security Council – 1990
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IV. The General Assembly
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V. The Economic and Social Council
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VI. Commission on Social Development
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VIII. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
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IX. The International Court of Justice 
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Issues Back Cover
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AMUN 2006 Rules and Procedures

The AMUN Rules and Procedures Handbook includes logistical information about the AMUN Conference, a detailed guide on how students can prepare for the Conference, and the rules of procedure for the various AMUN Committees and Councils.

Full copy of AMUN Rules and Procedures, all chapters
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AMUN Rules and Procedures Cover
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Table of Contents & Credits
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I. General Conference Information
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II. Role Playing and Preparation
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III. The International Press Delegation
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IV. The International Court of Justice
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V. Position Papers
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VI. Draft Resolutions
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VII. Rules of Procedure of the Security Council and the Historical Security Council
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VIII. Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council
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Rules of Procedure – Short Forms
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Rules Back Cover
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